English 103

This blog is a project for my service learning English 103 class. Most if not all of the blogs will be about community service.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Doing My Part

I am a volunteer for the Home Weatherization Project, as you already know if you've read my other articles. I want to help directly the only way I know how: labor. Labor is the main reason I chose this group because labor doesn't require a great deal of thinking, and since I was such a star athlete in high school, I found the physical demands to be easy. Actually, if it were easy, it wouldn't be work, which is the purpose. Anyway, another way I plan on helping is researching the underlying problem-energy loss. Energy can be conserved in many ways, but weatherization is the absolute best way for the moment because everyone participate, which adds up. Also, the repairs are not costly, and I could do them, which carries its own explanation. Well, energy reduction is a problem that cannot be "solved" at the moment, but every little bit helps.


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