English 103

This blog is a project for my service learning English 103 class. Most if not all of the blogs will be about community service.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Supersize Me"

In the film Supersize Me, film maker Ryan Spurlock eats nothing but McDonald's food for a solid 30 days. As expected, the diet is harmful to his body. The purpose of this experiment was to show the responsiblity of fast food companies to provide healthier food. McDonald's claims that the film is not so much about the franchise as Spurlocks decision to take part in such an irrational diet and a "super-sized distortion of the quality, choice, and variety available at McDonald's." I agree with the first half, but not the second. No one would only eat McDonald's or anything that unhealthy for that long, however, he does show that it is generally unhealthy. On the other hand, the comment about the variety at McDonald's is garbage. He did eat everything on the menu, and he got sick.


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