English 103

This blog is a project for my service learning English 103 class. Most if not all of the blogs will be about community service.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Us and Them"

To be honest, "Us and Them" by David Sedaris is the only article I've been assigned which I've felt compelled to read every word. Not that the others weren't that good, they just weren't interesting. However, I had trouble spotting the main argument, but as best I can figure, it's about how T.V. makes people different. In the story, a family that lives near the author has no television, and from what I figure, never has. Once the author begins to describe the family, you can really see the difference it makes in peoples' lives. The family wasn't better per se, just different. Although neither family was better because of a television or lack of, it just seemed like an unknown concept to not own or ever see T.V.


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